It’s always fun to build something new, so I decided to convert my old Ar Wing 900. 3d printed motor mount seem to be enough to convert the plane to VTOL tail sitter.

30 Amps ESC are located close to motors, so we have a lot o place inside the fuselage.

And finally first flight. It looks like PID’s setting previously used with pushing single motor are to high for new build.
You can use my motor mounts design if you want. Get stl files
Would you mind sharing your motor mount design? it looks pretty nice!
sure, just look at very bottom of the post.
Please share your VTOL experienced with us.
What motors/props are you using? Looks like a nice setup.
Avenger V2 2507 1200 kv with 7 inch props
how did you design the round shape so it fits perfectly over the wing?
I used dental clay, then slice it and scan using ordinary 2d scanner